Truth or Bare?

Nudity isn’t always about sex. Don’t get us wrong, there’s nothing wrong when it is– but sometimes to go naked is to reclaim your power, to face your fears, and to love your body.

So this week, we offer you a little game of Truth or Bare, inspired by the first and most misunderstood sex symbol, Ms. Marilyn Monroe.

Marilyn famously revealed that she did wear bedtime apparel. When asked what it was, she responded, “Why, Chanel No. 5, of course!”
Why not spend some time this week exploring the scents you find most relaxing, arousing, or inviting? Perhaps light a lavender candle while meditating or some incense while reading your favorite book…clothing optional, of course!

MM once said that sex and nudity were simply a part of nature, and then added, “I go along with nature.”
Take some time this week to go along with nature, even if it’s just stripping down and lounging in the backyard. Just don’t forget the sunscreen.

Ms. Monroe once delivered a handwritten answer to a reporter’s question about posing nude. In it, she simply stated, “The body is meant to be seen, not all covered up.”
Pamper your body in any way you’d like: a long bath, a ferocious workout, or your favorite lotion or body oil. Then stand in front of a mirror for a full five minutes and simply look at yourself, without judgment or shame. Dare to go Bare…and love every minute of it.


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