Rebel Reads

One of the great charms of summer is the number of opportunities to read. Whether lazing on the beach, lying by the pool or taking a long flight to your destination vacation, we’re always happy to share some of our favorite books with you. They’re each under 200-pages and embody that daring, rebel spirit that we here at worship. Our first book?

Breakfast at Tiffany’s, by Truman Capote (1958). Because of Audrey Hepburn’s grace and beauty in the iconic film, it’s easy to forget just how scandalous Capote’s creation was for the ‘50s. Eternal party girl Holly Golightly is only 18 in the novel, which makes her sexual mores, her wit, and her disenchantment all the more piercing. Holly’s fate at the novel’s end (unlike the film) is both unsentimental and heartbreaking.

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