Go Down to the Water

skinny_dippingOne day, doctors might just order a stressed out patient to take two waves and a long walk on the beach and call them in the morning. The reason is simple: water. According to a recent Psychology Today article, water is one of mankind’s greatest sources of relaxation, renewal and vitality.

Because water is so important to our survival, it benefits us in a bunch of ways. Drinking it ramps up weight loss, removes toxins and supercharges energy. Experts agree that water has the freshest taste at around 42 degrees Fahrenheit—that’s right, water can have different tastes depending on where it was sourced! But drinking such cold water can damage the taste buds, so the ideal temperature is about 50 degrees.

Studies also show that water can spur some of our most awe-inspiring experiences. So, like the man said, go down to the water—a bridge, river, or pool. You can even get right while sitting next to a fountain. Dip a toe in it, if you can. Of course, here at ExerciseBuff, we prefer all of our dipping to be of the skinny variety.

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